Buffalo Niagara International Airport

Traveling to Canada By Air and Land

You can find important and relevant information here about entering to Canada by land and air.

Guidance for Travelers

To keep everyone safe, all visitors entering Canada by land, air, or water, regardless of citizenship, must comply with testing and quarantine regulations.

Canadians must meet and adhere to the same entrance standards as Americans.
Pre-entry testing will no longer be necessary for fully vaccinated travelers entering Canada by land, air, or water beginning April 1, 2022. ArriveCAN must still be used within 72 hours of your arrival in Canada.

Look for information on the Quarantine Act, Emergency Orders, and the Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO) Group Exemptions that may apply in the List of Acts and Regulations.

List of Acts and Regulations

If you need assistance interpreting the exemptions or have any other questions about the Emergency Order, please contact:

Contact the Public Health Agency COVID-19 information line

updated 4/05/2022

The Canadian government has announced the next step in removing border restrictions for fully immunized travelers. To read the entire announcement, click here press release.

Global Affairs Canada has a tool called Travel Wizard that can help you determine if you can travel to Canada by answering a few easy questions. More information can be found here.

As of August 9, 2021, the Canada-US border will be open to fully-vaccinated US citizens and permanent residents. The most up-to-date border information can be found here.

If you have any further questions, you can visit the PHAC website here or call the Health Canada COVID-19 information line at 1-833-784-4397.

It is recommended that travelers read the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) notices here.

Please visit this Government of Canada website for the most up-to-date official government of Canada updates on travel restrictions. 

International passenger planes will be permitted to land at the following five additional Canadian airports beginning August 9, 2021:

  • Halifax Stanfield International Airport;
  • Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport;
  • Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier International Airport;
  • Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport; and
  • Edmonton International Airport.

These airports are working with the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency, and Transport Canada to put in place the required safeguards to safely welcome foreign travellers as soon as feasible after August 9, depending on the circumstances.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) are collaborating to make health-screening procedures more accessible and effective at airports.

  • Information about procedures at the Vancouver International Airport (YVR) is here.
  • Information about procedures at the Calgary International Airport (YYC) is here.
  • Information about procedures at the Edmonton International Airport (YEG) is here.
  • Information about procedures at Toronto’s Pearson airport (YYZ) is here.
  • Information about procedures at Montreal’s Trudeau airport (YUL) is here.
  • Air Canada (and Air Canada Rouge) has issued a response to COVID-19 here.
  • WestJet has issued a response to COVID-19 here.
  • Air Transat has issued a response to COVID-19 here.
  • Swoop has issued a response to COVID-19 here.
  • Porter has issued a response to COVID-19 here.


For specifics on passenger ships transporting more than 12 people, Arctic coastline water restrictions, or any other current information, please contact us, visit the Transport Canada website

If you were planning to visit Canada as part of a cruise, we recommend that you contact your cruise operator for the most up-to-date information on cancellations, alterations, and other pertinent information.

VIA Rail Canada is keeping an eye on the situation and will update this page with any new information here.

Rocky Mountaineer is keeping an eye on the issue and will update this page with any new information here.

The Hotel Association of Canada is currently upgrading this page here.

We recommend contacting your event organizer and host location for the most up-to-date information if you’re heading to Canada for a conference or event.

You may get more information about our Business Events industry partners here.

Fully vaccinated travelers who are approved to enter Canada may be free from the federal requirements to:

  • Quarantine, which includes a government-approved hotel for flying passengers, and
  • complete a day-8 test

A government representative at the border makes the final decision on this exemption based on the facts provided at the time of arrival into Canada.

The exception does not apply to those who crossed the border before July 5, 2021.

Chicago シカゴ 시카고 Detroit Détroit デトロイト 디트로이트 New York City New York Nueva York ニューヨーク市 뉴욕시 Boston ボストン 보스턴 Portland ポートランド 포틀랜드 Los Angeles Los Ángeles ロサンゼルス 로스 앤젤레스 Seattle シアトル 시애틀 Minneapolis ミネアポリス 미니애폴리스 Washington DC Washington, D.C. ワシントンDC 워싱턴 DC Philadephia Philadephie Filadefia フィラデルフィア 필라델피아 Vancouver バンクーバー 밴쿠버 温哥华 Whitehorse ホワイトホース 화이트호스 怀特霍斯 Yellowknife イエローナイフ 옐로나이프 耶洛奈夫 Iqaluit イカルイト 이콸루잇 伊卡卢伊特 Edmonton エドモントン 에드먼튼 埃德蒙顿 Calgary カルガリー 캘거리 卡尔加里 Regina レジャイナ 리자이나 里贾纳 Winnipeg ウィニペグ 위니펙 温尼伯 Toronto トロント 토론토 多伦多 Niagara Falls Ottawa オタワ 오타와 渥太华 Montreal Montréal モントリオール 몬트리올 蒙特利尔 Halifax ハリファックス 할리팩스 哈利法克斯 Charlottetown シャーロットタウン 샬롯타운 夏洛特敦 Fredericton フレデリクトン 프레데릭턴 弗雷德里克顿 St. John's San Juan de Terranova セント・ジョンズ 세인트 존스 圣约翰斯 Quebec Québec Ciudad de Quebec ケベック・シティ 퀘벡 시티 魁北克城 Saskatoon Churchill Victoria Banff Banff Jasper Whistler Kelowna RÉGION DE WATERLOO Waterloo Region MONT-TREMBLANT Tremblant ÎLE FOGO Fogo Island Pacific Ocean Océano Pacífico Pazifischer Ozean Océan Pacifique 태평양 太平洋 Atlantic Ocean Océano Atlántico Atlantischer Ozean Océan Atlantique 대서양 大西洋 Arctic Ocean Océano Ártico Arktischer Ozean Océan Arctique 북극해 北極海 Hudson Bay Bahía de Hudson Baie D'Hudson 허드슨 만 ハドソンベイ

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